ThriveCart Learn: Who Should and Shouldn’t Use It

ThriveCart Learn is a robust new course platform built right into the ThriveCart platform. In a sense, it has expanded the ecosystem of ThriveCart to now include course management, and facilitate the sale of courses.

In my overview of ThriveCart learn I shared my thoughts on the platform as a whole. In this post I want to go into more detail about who the Learn platform is right for, and who is probably best picking an alternative solution.

Who’s Perfect for ThriveCart Learn 

  • You’re a content creator (Youtube, Facebook Group, etc) without a website ecosystem and want to monetize your audience
  • You want the tightest integration with ThriveCart they can get
  • You don’t use WordPress or only use it for a blog or basic info site
  • You don’t want to fuss with setting up, integrating, or managing a tech stack
  • You don’t want a monthly payment of any kind related to your course platform

The Perfect Customer for ThriveCart Learn

I want to underscore the first point: Content creators who want to monetize their audience. Many large, successful Youtube channels do not have a website. They don’t do SEO, write blog posts like this one, or maintain digital properties outside of their channels and social media. 

ThriveCart Learn is perfect for a situation like this because it provides a means by which they can monetize their audience through a simple funnel without having to maintain or even pay for a larger platform like Teachable.

A simple link to a course sales page hosted on ThriveCart, with an easy-to-setup CNAME, and they’re selling courses. ThriveCart Learn handles the welcome email, the payments, the customer hub, the platform, and everything a creator who built their audience on social platforms wouldn’t already have set up.

Who Should Avoid ThriveCart Learn

  • You have a website ecosystem where students/users log in and have an account on your website
  • You want connectivity between your courses, your website, and your community (like on and want it all to live alongside each other
  • You want control over the domain and where the courses reside
  • You want a customized and branded course platform
  • You want to integrate more of your tech stack with your course platform and student experience

A User Who Would Not Like ThriveCart Learn

The real downside to ThriveCart Learn is exactly the opposite of its biggest positive: It’s self-contained and runs on its own. There’s nothing to integrate with it, nothing to customize with it, and it lives within its own ecosystem.

I’m personally not the worst user avatar for them, because I love things that ‘just work’, but I’m definitely high on that list because I like to tinker and integrate tech together and build my own ecosystem.

Courses built on ThriveCart Learn don’t live harmoniously alongside the rest of my tech stack. I think about how my Convology Pro members log in to my membership site, and that same login gives them access to my courses and also my community built on

That ‘ecosystem’ I built gives them a customized login experience, a customized member hub, a customized course homepage, a customized community, and a customized ‘welcome email’ sequence. 

Integrating ThriveCart Learn with YOUR Course Setup

Generalizations about who may or may not be a great fit for a platform are a great starting point, but ultimately only you can decide if ThriveCart Learn is a platform that makes sense to house your course platform.

It’s easy to get up and running, costs nothing for existing ThriveCart users (though you’ll want the $195 uprade), and may solve A LOT of headaches related to tech stack configurations, dripping courses, and complex funnels. 

If you’re selling courses and you’re not already a ThriveCart user, then you’re missing out on the best way to sell courses. Get ThriveCart and check out the Learn platform for yourself.