Pre-Packaged & Done-For-You

Thrive Apprentice
Setup Service

This is the ultimate setup for the entrepreneur who needs help putting together their Thrive Apprentice course or membership site. 

  • Get a setup just like Convology built by Doug
  • Save over $1,000 by avoiding costly project fees

Check out what's included and how it all works below.

Want custom? Book a call.

Introducing: The "productized" Thrive Apprentice Setup Process!

After building a few hundred Thrive Apprentice setups, I discovered three things that never seemed to change: (1) People want their setup to look almost identical to mine (because it's proven and it works!), (2) People don't want to make the wrong decisions about how something looks -- so they get analysis paralysis, and (3) Project budgets get bloated by hours of calls (usually because of #2) which is why I normally charge $1900+ for a project like this.

So I decided to change my approach and launch a service that focuses solely on helping people get a cost-effective setup like mine.

To put it simply... 

I'm bundling my entire setup and deploying it for you which means you get it way cheaperway faster, and still done by me.

Convology's Templates

Each of your key pages will be set up using Convology's templates. I'll set them up and configure them for you.

Expertly Deployed

Avoid the frustration of figuring it all out yourself. I'll implement them exactly how they're done for my business.

Minimal Tweaking

To save time and money, there won't be any tweaks or changes to design or structure. The colors and fonts will be adjusted to your style guide.

Included Pages and Templates:

The entire package is predefined. You'll get the same setup that I use to run a multi six-figure course and membership business. Want to know what the templates and pages look like? I encourage you to watch the video at the top of this page where I walk through everything.

  • Customer Dashboard & Login Page Combo
  • Thrive Apprentice Course "School" Homepage Template
  • Thrive apprentice Course Overview Template
  • Thrive Apprentice Video Lesson Template
  • Thrive Apprentice Text Lesson Template
  • My Account Page (SureCart or Simplified)
  • Course Promo Page
  • 2 Sales Pages
  • 2 Checkout Pages (works with SureCart, ThriveCart & CartFlows)
  • Confirmation Page

BONUS: My Thrive Apprentice Course

Your purchase also includes FREE lifetime access to my Thrive Apprentice to Master course ($299 value).

Any training you need for how your setup works or how you can improve upon it or change it yourself is included in my course. It's like the ultimate instruction manual for Thrive Apprentice with video lessons that cover literally everything.

How Does the Process Work?

The process is extremely simple!

Sign up for the Service

Sign up for the service here on my site like you would one of my courses or memberships. You'll get an account to log in where you can see all of your products together.

Complete the Form

You'll automatically get an email with a link to a form that you must complete. This form will ask you questions about which templates you want (feel free to get them all!), which payment provider you use, what colors and fonts you use, a link to your website, login credentials, etc. 

Everything Gets Built

Then I build everything! I'll deploy all of the templates, adjust all the fonts and colors to your style guide, and you'll be ready to put any finishing touches on it yourself. Typically from the time you fill out the form it takes less than two weeks for everything to be live.

The FAQs

Why 'productize' this service?

Having done the same thing over and over again for nearly four years has really shown me there's a better and faster way to help people get what they need AND want at a much more cost-effective and scalable way. In early 2023 I was taking on 2-3 of these projects every week and I'd spend 3-4 hours every day on calls with clients going over each of their templates and tweaking them to how they wanted them... and I realized an extremely common trend: It STILL ended up looking like my setup.

So I took a step back and thought, "There's a better way to do this."

By productizing the whole thing, I can streamline the setup process to reduce the time it takes me to deploy. Time is valuable, so that means I can pass along the savings by cutting the inefficiencies in the process.

And the best part? The quality goes UP because rather than having the customer make decisions that are questionable (and stressful), they get the outcome that I find works the best. Less time, less money, same or better quality... everyone wins big.

Do I get to make any changes to what's included?

Everything included is listed here on this page. If you don't want any of the included pages or templates you can let me know. That won't change anything about the price or the level of service. Once the service is delivered, you can make any changes you want to what has been installed. Editing the templates and pages is extremely straightforward -- particularly once it's set up correctly. You'll also receive my Thrive Apprentice course completely free, which will give you all the know-how you need to edit the setup.

Are the templates installed reusable?

Anything that I install and build on your website is reusable. You can simply duplicate pages or save pieces of them to reuse again on your website as a template. However, you are not allowed to sell/resell my work. Want to refer someone to me? I offer a 20% commission. Email me: [email protected]

What about images and text?

You'll need to provide all images, videos, and written text. I'm providing the structure and setup. My templates will be imported with some placeholder images and content for you to go in after I'm done and tweak to your liking.

What if I don't have a website yet?

You have a couple of options.

1. Sign up for my Website Hosting & Management service and I'll host and manage your site entirely for you. In fact, you can bundle the two services together for a discount.


2. Get your own website domain name and hosting (I recommend BigScoots) and set everything up.

What if I need more help?

If you need additional help with anything, including what I set up for you or additional tech stack help, then you can schedule a 1-on-1 tech stack help call with me. I'm also including my Thrive Apprentice to Master course ($299 value) completely for free. It's the ultimate owner's manual for Thrive Apprentice.
